Thursday, August 26, 2021

National Librarians Day (Report)


Oriental Education Society’s

Oriental College of Education, Sanpada




Oriental College of Education, Sanpada, celebrated National Library Day on the 12th of August 2021 at 2:00 pm, via Google Meet. National Library Day is celebrated in India every year in the memory of Dr. S.R.Ranganathan, the man who gave a lot in library and information in science field.




OBJECTIVES: To celebrate National Librarian’s Day on the occasion of Birth Anniversary of  Dr. S.R.Ranganathan .

Date and Time: 12th Aug 2021, 2:00 pm

Mode: Google Meet


Suwarna Kalamkar inaugurated the event by welcoming all teachers and students. The event was celebrated as National Librarian’s Day in India, in remembrance of national professor of library science, Dr. S R Ranganathan (1892-1972), who had spearheaded library development in India. It was organized beautiful by playing a video of lighting the lamps and praying to lord Saraswati for the health, wealth and prosperity and it greatly inspired everyone. Ms. Khushboo explained the significance of library in this pandemic situation. She also explained how it is different from online book reading. She also showed a presentation which consisted of all the details about our Library and the services which are offered by our Library. Ms. Suwarna Kalamkar welcomed our Librarian Mr. Salim Dhanse and requested him to speak few words for the day. On this occasion of National Library Day, a small Reading Competition was conducted. Interested students participated with great enthusiasm. Ms. Asmita Pardeshi Recited a beautiful poem written by Sarojini Naidu. Ms. Farheen Shaikh read few lines related to Aryans and Indus Valley Civilization. Ms. Ruksana presented a poetry by Rose Miligen about the changing which are missing in our lives and the things which are needed to be cherished. Ms. Shweta Pandey read the chapter Create a pure environment book from the book “Who will cry when you die” by Robin Sharma. Ms. Tejaswini Todkar recited few lines on Savitri Bai Phule. The respected Principal Madam Dr. Sangeeta Nath said few words on the importance of National Librarian’s Day, why it is celebrated and shared her experience as a teacher. She encouraged us to read good books and journals which are available in our library. She also included the types of reading we should follow in our day to day life on a daily basis. All the poetries and paras were skillful and meaningful. The attractive posters and banners made by Ms. Neha Kotwal was also displayed which were appreciated by the principal and students alike.

Vote of thanks was given by Ms. Khushboo who thanked the Principal Dr. Sangeeta Nath and  Librarian Mr.Salim Dhanse for gracing the event with their presence and constant support. She also thanked the teachers for their motivating words, as well as the students for their active participation. At the end of the event it was followed by National Anthem.

Thus, the celebration of National Librarian’s Day was yet another successful event hosted by Oriental College of Education. Reading Competition was organized and Librarian Mrs. Aruna Lingam gave judgement. Everyone left with feelings of gratitude for the teachers in their lives and an aim to become inspiring teachers in the future.


Pictures of the event are attached below:

National Librarian's Day A.Y 2024-25

                                                                   Oriental Education Sociey's                                         O...