Tuesday, September 6, 2022



Report On National Librarian’s Day

Programme Incharge: Librarian Mr. Salim Dhanse

Library Committee Incharge Asst. Prof Tejal Nikam Ma’am Venue: Oriental College of Education,Sanpada

                      Library, 5th Floor.

Date:  12th August, 2022.



Oriental Education Society’s, Oriental College of Education organized National Librarian’s Day celebration on 12th August, 2022 in the College Library at 10.30 a.m. The programme was organized to commemorate the 130th birth anniversary of Padmashri Dr. S.R Ranganathan who is considered as the Father of Library Science. National Librarian’s day was organized to:

1.      Create awareness of the life and contribution of Dr. S.R Ranganathan.

2.      Acknowledge the contribution of Library and the Library staff of Oriental College of Education, for creating a healthy educational atmosphere.




Oriental College of Education organized National Librarian’s day. This event was organized by Library Teacher Incharge – Asst. Prof Tejal Nikam Ma’am, Librarian Incharge – Mr. Salim Dhanse Sir and Student Library Member – Prerna Shenoy and Gency Rayen for all the Faculty Members, Library Staff and Students. To ensure smooth functioning of the event roles and responsibilities were distributed. Circular was sent to all students by Librarian Mr. Salim Dhanse Sir to invite them to participate for the celebration. To ignite the spirit of celebration of Azadi ka Amrit Mahaotsav and Librarian’s Day an Elocution Competition was organized for the students on 12th August, 2022.


 On 12th August, 2022 Oriental College of Education, Sanpada celebrated National Librarians Day. In the College Library where the event took place, a banner was put up to spread awareness of the event, on a table as a mark of respect a picture frame of Dr.S.R.Ranganathan was placed along with a lamp. This arrangement was monitored by Librarian Mr.Salim Dhanse sir and Library Teacher Incharge Asst. Prof Tejal Nikam Ma’am. The programme began at 10.30 am. The host for the event Student Library Incharge, Prerna Shenoy who welcomed our Respected Principal Dr.Sangeeta Nath Maam, Faculty Members and all the students. A brief introduction on the important contributions by Dr. S.R Ranganathan towards Library was shared by the host.

 Our respected Principal Dr.Sangeeta Nath Ma’am lit the lamp as a token of gratitude for Librarians /Library towards human progress. Students were encouraged to inculcate the habit of reading books/ Newspaper/ Magazine/ Research Papers to enhance their Knowledge by our respected Principal Dr. Sangeeta Nath Ma’am.

Next our Librarian Mr.Salim Dhanse Sir, enlighten the audience, with a talk on the life of Dr. S.R.Ranganathan, his contribution and ideologies. It was truly wonderful to know about the achievements of Dr. S.R. Ranganathan.

Student Library member Gency Rayen addressed the gathering on the gateway of knowledge through the books.

A great initiative followed where few Students of F.Y.B.Ed. College donated their  Sem- 1 books and CBSE books to the Librarian Mr,Salim Dhanse sir.

A beautiful poem on Library was recited by Asst. Prof Tejal Nikam Ma’am. The audience thoroughly enjoyed the poem and loudly cheered for it.

The Elocution Competition began where 5 participants took part and spoke in English, Hindi and Marathi Language on the topics given. The topics were:

1.     India my beloved Motherland

2.     Books my best friend

3.     Importance of E- Library.

Dr. Vithoba Sawant Sir and Asst. Prof Kinkini Dutta judged the event. The Judges announced the results and acknowledged every participant who participated in the competition were incredibly good.

As the wonderful event drew close to an end the host gave the Vote of Thanks to the Management for allowing the event to be conducted, our beloved Principal Ma’am for gracing the event with her presence, the entire faculty members including the library staff and the students.

The event concluded by singing the National Anthem.

Before dispersal, sweets were distributed to all present at the event. With wide smiles pictures were taken to keep alive the beautiful memories of the day. With great enthusiasm and cheer the celebration ended.


Through the celebration of National Librarian’s Day, the audience learnt about the valuable contribution of  Dr.S.R.Ranganathan in the field of Library Sciences.An informative talk on Importance of Reading was highlighted in the event and during Elocution Competition where students displayed their talent we learnt many new insights on the topics delivered. It was an enriching experience for all those who attended the celebration.




National Librarian's Day A.Y 2024-25

                                                                   Oriental Education Sociey's                                         O...